Theatre for Tots to Teens

2) Theatre for Tots to Teens is an innovative online platform for education and entertainment targeted (but not limited) to Caribbean children. It uses Trinidad and Tobago’s (and by extension Caribbean) culture to teach morals, manners, patriotism, cultural and environmental appreciation, self-confidence, and esteem. The aforementioned values are being eroded in the foundational learning of children, and this evidence manifests itself in the high rate of crime by youth offenders in Trinidad and Tobago according to a study done on crime and violence by the IDB. High-speed internet in conjunction with smart devices has ushered in a new era of content creation and consumption. We have a generation of children and youth that are immersed in digital devices and content and this content shapes their very character. We, therefore, believe that in order for them to consume positive content, that content has to be delivered in a way that is relevant and tailored to capture this audience.
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Hey there, my name is Alexandra and I am part of the Socialab team. Welcome to the Play Challenge! Please remember that you can modify anything on your application until September 11th, when this stage closes. I am here to guide you through this process and help you build a better application. You must check the platform comments as well as the email you registered regularly, I will be reaching out via these outlets. If you need any technical support in the platform you can message:
hace 4 años

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abre el 21 de julio

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